
Monday, October 17, 2011

A Penguin In Wonderland.

“Still trapped in wonderland?” She asked. Her voice  was distant and shivering. “I am, my dear.” I replied. “Aren’t you afraid of the queen of hearts? Or of the white rabbit? Or the Mad Hatter or the March Hare?” “”Why should I be? They are just soft whispers of a glorious fairy tale. What count are the bodies, hearts, and minds of the ones who inhabit this wonderland. And I guess we will always be afraid of something or someone in this world. But as someone wiser said, “I’m not afraid of dying, I’m afraid of being alive and not being aware of it.” And all I can tell you is that I feel alive. I enjoy every second as the last. When I can live as if each day was the last and the first at the same time. It is hard to explain, but you know, somehow I know I should keep on trying.”

“May I ask why?”

“Because, even if I fail, being in wonderland is not climbing to find something, it is just walking, discovering, learning, enjoying, loving. You are not searching for a dream, you are in the dream. It is just like Alice. She was always in a dream. She never went on looking for something… she just allowed things to come.”

“So, you are Alice.”

“No, I am a Penguin”

- Dark Shadow!


Gizmos Blog said...

Nice movie as well. I am a huge Johny Depp fan and it was no wonder he showed his class in it as well.

Gizmos Blog said...

Nice movies as well. I am a huge Johny Depp fan and he showed his class in this movie as well.

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