
Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Gaol.

She was so alone, so fragile as we all are. Her face stained with tears, her flesh ripped by nine inch nails that in envious trepidation seek to taste a porcelain heart. All the winged beasts that seek her golden heart, all the steely claws that scratch my windowpane. All of them breed of golden cages with hearts rotten and blood poisoned. She was the purest angel, she was the weakest beam of light, she was alone and afraid, and you raped her as the night grows darker and faster. And look at your faces now, your damned proud faces, gloating in blood and splinters of bone.

Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel superior? Well I got some news for you, you ain’t none of that. You are just the spawns of hell sent to make our skin harder and our tears colder. You are the devils that feed on our hopes and dreams until our hearts are frozen and broken. And let me tell you something pretty boys and girls, we will never have our hearts back. But I guess you never cared at all. I guess all sense of humanity in you was lost as your mother cursed your birth and you rapped your little sister in the cradle. Or maybe it was while you watched your father beat blue your mother and you prayed it could be you the one with the whip. You prayed you could be the one that was going to rape her. Maybe it was all lost when you were to afraid to be human and you sold your soul for a pretty face and all the cruel power in the world. And no, don’t you worry, you’ll never lose it. And there is no hell where you will burn for your sins, and there is no cosmic retribution. You just made the perfect deal, you got all you wanted and all you had to pay was a forgotten soul that never was of much use.

But tell me now pretty boy, tell me how does it feel as I incarcerate you?, tell me how does it feel to be confined to a dark cell of 6 by 8 feet? , tell me how it feels to be detained?, did you ever thought that some of us are strong? Did you ever thought you may had to taste the rotten food? See, God is not the fairest dude around, Nor is the devil. I am madame justice, I am the sadist bitch who is stronger and meaner than you. I am the one that is here to torment you now. So tell me baby, tell me how does it feels to be raped, reaped, gutted, tortured, mocked, destroyed, dehumanized, how does it feels to be me?

Eat Shit Now.

- Dark Shadow!

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