
Friday, May 6, 2011

Life, Hopes and Dreams.

Can’t you tell me boy
What I should say and where I’ll go tonight?
Maybe in a dream
I’ll go between the sun and shining stars
Well, shining stars, there are way too many. I know sometimes I can be one in too many. But I can be a Super Nova too. I can be the blackest of all black holes if I choose. I can be a new born galaxy if I try. I can be the fucking Big Bang and I can be the death of the universe. I can be everything, everything at all. Whatever I choose, I know I can fulfill. And if I get too bored, well I’ll jump to the next ship. Do not expect me to forever stay locked while my dreams, soul, and heart die and my hair grows white. Never expect me to waste my days again. Each one is a precious light.
And I can be a leaf caught in the breeze when the morning is still asleep. But once I get tired of the way everything around me flows, I’ll fly like a phoenix. I know I can do it, I have risen from the ashes before. I just needed some inspiration, a bright reminder of what the world can be. And yes, sometimes it is easy, sometimes it is not. But not everything has to be easy and not everything has to be hard. You can’t have all the answers, life would be pointless if you did. So, travel, enjoy, and learn.
A place so scarlet in a well, tide is creeping up so tell
Stories of her golden time, night coming and the stars
Listen to her voice again, sister sinister will say
Sister sinister will say how you’re doing there today
And by the way, how are you doing there
Lady lust in all her prom flying closer to the sun
Closing up into my mind wonder what she’s gonna find
Looking at her face again, sister sinister will play
Sister sinister will say how you’re doing there today
And by the way, how are you doing there 
So, how are you doing there?

- Dark Shadow!

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