
Friday, May 27, 2011

The Garden of Eden

Frail… you might as well be me. You know it. You can feel it deep beneath your bones. And in all there is in the moon. You know I never cared much for the lessons of attrition. You know I never cared too much for what they said. Some may think it is formulaic, some may say it is manic. I say it is frail, for I am human, therefore frail. I am made of stardust too. But you might as well be me. We might be frail.

But we are also strong. All broken bones heal stronger. All that harms us might make us stronger. May make us stranger.. may kill us in a wink. It is up to you. You choose when it is worth standing up and biting back. You know… there will be a time… you will see. There will be a time when you will fight, not for wining, nor for loosing but because you need to. You’ll find the cause or person that will make you stand your ground no matter if you win or lose. Because there are sometimes things that are bigger than life. And sometimes life is a small price you pay. Sometimes, I say. 

Life is there to be lived. You will suffer, no one promised you a rose garden, and if someone did, then that someone lied. But don’t worry, there will be plenty of roses for you. Sometimes you may have to go and gather them yourself. Not always there will be someone to bring them to you. And once or twice you will find a thorn. But that is ok. That’s fine. Life could be boring if it was too easy. We could never learn a thing. We could be so lost.

That’s life. 

Life is that. 

Giving meaning to it is left to you. You are the only one who can, for life is yours to be lived.  

- Dark Shadow! 

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