
Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Burning Fire

For the sake of all fallen gods, get up. I know it is a bitter world to face outside, but it is the only one. Only real one to which you have immediate access, I mean. But sadly you have no choice but to face it. Let’s calling the price and sacrifice you have to pay for all the raw beauty, for all the blooming madness in Spring.
If you think about it, it is not a high price your paying. Sure it burns, sure your heart wants to hang it self (mental self note: Wouldn’t it be nice for a heart to hang itself from a vein?) and burn in the gutter, but you my child must not take that way, it would kill you. Literally it would. Just think of the good things and make sure your mind is flooded with black rainbows and fairies on speed and ecstasy. Make sure there are lot of crimson ribbons and blood covered poppies. Maybe then the world may look a little bit better.

But if not, then make sure the intoxicating wine and perfume fill your brain. Drink like there is no tomorrow and burn all the woe in the fire of her hair. Bury all sadness in the singing joy of her heart, desecrate all evil to find the divine white light of decadence. Drink from her giving hands, turn the skin asunder and find her mos fragrant blood, drink from the open wound. Drink for all Heavens’ sake. Segregate all memory and hope for redemption and taste the sweetest of all wines. Drink from her, drink the crimson rivers, let them fill your throat with madness and pleasure. Let her drink from you, let your minds be fused and confused by the reddest star. Set all devouring lust free, let it conquer the shivering bodies and the hungry hands, let her be you and allow yourself to become her.

God how I wish it to become true!

- Dark Shadow!

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