
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun

Beautiful red leaf falls from a golden tree. And well, what can we say? It was just another golden afternoon. All was red and golden, all was dry and cool. “Come with me”, she said, and we all followed her to the heart of the woods. “Dance with me”, she said, and we all danced. The afternoon was all red and golden. But, who was she? Was she a fairy’s child? A demon’s child? Was she an angel? I cannot tell. I have no idea, I was lost in a dream of a drunken dreamer who would never wake up. We were all left astray by the dreamer’s night, and we were all condemned to dwell in that dream forever and ever. I saw her coming from the highest moon, so far away, so pale, so beautiful. And what can I say about her, that I haven’t said yet? She smiled, she loved, she taught us lessons of bravery and pride. She took us to the galaxy where God and Goddess dwell. She showed us Krishna preaching Arjuna in the middle of a blood thirsty battle. She gave us one seed and taught us to sow it. How every element come together to make that seed into a bud and finally a tree, she explained us. She showed us a path to follow - a path of our Dreams. She welcomed darkness with open hands. At bedtime, she told us a story of a farmer who works hard every day from sunrise to sunset so that his children would not sleep empty stomach. I thought to myself who this pretty lady is?

An inspiration!

- Dark Shadow!


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