
Sunday, May 29, 2011

15 Minute Therapy Against Architectonical Stress

Rain falls down and that cold thing happens to my stomach. Where am I? The bus keeps on moving and I know it will crash at some point. I don’t really care. I don’t care much about my death. The afternoon is grey. How can I tell it is the afternoon? Can’t it be the morning, the pale light of morning? I can’t see the sun, I can’t tell anything right now. 

The bus keeps on moving. Wasn’t I supposed to die here? Bizarre, I say to myself. This will not be the end. I take a little nap, my eyelids close and I fall into deep sleep. It seems sleep helps me to forget my anguish and bizarre thoughts. Where am I? The city looks bleak and grey, but then again, all cities are bleak and grey at some point. 

We wonder why sister moon takes so long to visit us. Maybe it is all just a lack of meds, or perhaps a daily overdose of bitter reality and sour dreams. Maybe it is all the pills we ingest, all the addiction to false placebos of chemical control. Face it kid, we need those pills. As almost every evil is needed at some point. Cause life is more than sex, and the drugs, and the complications. Live is also about love and all that makes us face a new shitty day. Every piece of beauty, of sunshine, of hope. That’s what life should be about, not just surviving but living. But no on taught us how to live. We got to do that by our own hands. But some times we can be so so lost. So we need pills, we need plain raw and empty sex, we need stupid complications such as the weather or the traffic jams. We need violence, we need death, we need plane crashes and the loudest bombs. We need all the horror, all the bitter reality and sour dreams. So that when at the end of the day, you fall asleep in the arms of the one you love, you understand why you keep living everyday. So that every kiss, every hug, every “I love you” means something. And that something keeps you going. That something is the fuel of your dreams. That something is the reason why you pick up the leftovers of every crash, and start building yourself again.

That something is the reason why you try to mend every mistake, every stupid comment, every wound. That something is the reason why you fight for something till death.

And we all know the name, it may be love, it may be god, it may be whatever name you want.

But it is always love. 

- Dark Shadow!

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