
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Seraphic Deviltry

Why must we falter when all light consumes light? Why once the dark comes we must be left astray and fall in love with lovers of the night? And why the bonfires and the guitars and the gypsy voices must be so seductive once the night falls and all is said with a kiss or a rose? We are all so cold and yet so warm, so alone yet so happy. It a strange world, it is a wonderful world. And you sometimes need a kiss or a rose to say it all. And not always misery loves company. Sometimes misery is miserable and alone, but once the guitars sing and the fires roar, she forgets her shroud of tears and dances in fiery red through the night. We cannot be more than what we are, we are all we are. But once the night comes and the dance begins we forget our names and tears and we become what we always wanted to be. For what we should have been given the chance. We are used to be so, so little, when we are so much. We are always so much but we forget to be so.

That’s the seraphic deviltry left astray in our world. The one that makes us feel so little and so afraid once the moon is shining.

But as some say… look at us but do not touch.

Go and go now… but well…. what are we in the end?

- Dark Shadow!

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