
Monday, September 12, 2011

The Ever Ending Wake

Death sits withering fast on the ledge
Mourning deeply the hours by the sedge.
Agony drips swiftly through broken veins
As we all part crying different waned lanes.
We lovers of despair, we mourners of light
We masters of whores, we owners of raved sight.

I crave for thee at night, mistress of mine
As the stars loose their light, I walk the line.
Halt thy voice! Oh, deranged soul of creeds
As we all plant death and broken seeds.

But oh, heaven has betrayed me, I’m fallen
The hours pass all in empty exile, all swollen.
Ne’er a sign of faith, ne’er a sign of light
All gone! All shattered! None of it in sight.
Reaped shreds of my flesh fall as I cry
A heart all in anguish, beating over tears dry.

Hours run through pain and tears!
Heart battered by blades of honor!
Hollow cries echo in my walls!
My waving words spilled in blood!
A sacred name in pain howled thrice!

Behold, oh wasted race of aeons.
Behold what time has made of me!
A secret locked by rose and prose!
A name yearned in all fours!

Speak thee to me, oh raving angel of night!
Spot her for me and grant her my love,
Keep her safe until the golden orb reels
High above us, bleeding hearts.

Keep her safe as madness and fear
Keep their mark and seal
Deep in my brow as I withered
In long hours of fading tears.

- Dark Shadow!


جار سهيل Jar s hail said...

That’s something so high,
I love this rich imagination of yours,
it’s something that carries reader high over the horizon ..
thanks for the musical talking

Balqis DBJ said...

A very expressive and well-written poem. Loved it! :)

ayub said...

It's a poem as nice as a woman's tender heart
The passionate one, so deep in thought
While facing gives agony, endure it gives ecstasy
A mixture of emotion, but lovable more often
From where it has come, your hand or heart
In search of truth I once lost, now regained.

Ayub, Chennai-India

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