
Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Alchemist!

Dear Fallen Soul,

  It's gonna be a year since we first met in tnj. Thanks to one of the blunder among many of that community or else knowing you would not have been possible for I think you have had joined tnj just to check what in the name of hell was going there, no? :P 

  No, I ain't gonna discuss tnj with you, neither our first chat on gmail, skype, community, yahoo nor facebook :D Where else have we chatted? :P You know you have always been an inspiration for me, say it be keeping virtual name like Siren, Dark Shadow!, Lucifer etc, reading Freako or Superfreako types book, try philosophizing, blogging, writing POEMs [which I'm not so good at :P]  or try my ass off solving quant. Though you are much more lazy than me, you have a spark and you carry everything well. Come on it's not a piece of cake to get in IITs. I hope, one day, I be like you. [just buttering okay?] :D

  You are a gem who not only makes itself glow with its shine and beauty but the one who wears it, holds it or even comes in contact with, tends to get molded in its speechless beauty. You are a hero who is fond of happy endings. A guy who believes in consuming everything but giving out only good things because no matter whatever you put in that mouth you will only be judge by what you spit out through that same mouth. And you truly believe so. I haven't seen you harsh ever. Kid, do you even know, how to be rude? Or how should one be angry on someone?

  You are always sitting patiently on the other side of my virtual world who keenly awaits and read every shit I type. No matter I shout, I be rude, I show unjustified aggression, you always welcome it with a smile! Hey dude, what makes you so tranquil and ingenuous in this world of fierce and complications? A pure heart guy inspired by  XYZ people [sorry I have deactivated my fb account hence could not check who they are :-|] giggles after viewing bunny's inspirations :D, wanna be an entrepreneur as far as I know, has a very good taste of music. Writes beautiful poems [has gifted me O.F.L], thinks a lot about almost everything. Not to mention, his thoughts are amazing, innovative and  sometimes eye opening.A guy who loves to go high and repent later, may be! His love life is a tragedy house, ends up with crushes on cousins and sisters. :P I don't remember what your friends call you, its a very funny nick [have seen on your wall :D]. My bad! :(

  In the nutshell, You are amazing just the way YOU are..!! ^_^

  By the way, Aishwarya can be an inspiration! :-/ I like her.

- Dark Shadow!

P. S : Now it's your turn to write good things about me! :O

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