
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Teh bitter truth!

I'm not afraid of dyin' but I'm afraid to stay alive
I'm so excited about death I don't know when he's gonna arrive
And when he'll embrace me I promise that I will not strive
Because I've realized that in this cruel world it's so hard to

For I'm ain't no a saint and no wonder this world ain't no benevolent
Your close one's becoming strangers, strangers turned to be acquaint
Teh list of friends decreasing, ascending numbers of enemies
Teh days are gone far behind when they used to pray on their knees

Children chasing insanely behind their parent's so called dream
Parents so busy in their world, void it goes no matter how hard is your scream
You remember The Almighty only when you do some sin
Rest of teh life you praise him, but blasphemy it seems

Friend's were life that's what they used to say
Brother killing another now this is teh latest trend
Telling lie to your loved ones, well, this is how you defend
Pushing someone down vigorously and on his place you upend

You laugh at them when they ask you for your help
Donating is passe and now you enjoy is rape
Tryin' to be smart by blaming others for your mistake
You never gained any so you didn't bother for respect

This is what world's become this is what I see from my eye
I don't see a point to live it's better I shall die
I'm not afraid of dyin' but I'm afraid to stay alive
  Because I've realized that in this cruel world it's so hard to survive!


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