Everything will eventually end.
Funny, how time flies so DAMN fast. I still remember my very first day of school. I stepped in my school when I was seven. Feeling nervous and excited at the same time. Well, that was a long time ago. Well, its important that we live in the moment, live in the present, not the past nor the future. Well, logically speaking, we'll all die one day. I just don't get it when people say they are afraid of dying. Its a stupid thing to be afraid of. Eventually, we WILL all DIE. You know, people live, people die. Get used to it.To me, the most important thing is living life to the fullest. Well, we only live once. Okay, maybe we have past life's, but most of the times, we only remember being us. At least we can die. Okay fine, pass away peacefully knowing we did our best in life. I sort of pity murderers. How the HELL do they sleep at night? And when they die, um, yeah, they can't lie to them self.
You know, this has been puzzling me for as long as I can remember. What happens after we die? Really, what really happens after our soul leaves our bodies? And is it true we can see our life flash before us, moments before we pass away? This is puzzling, it truly is. Scientifically speaking, we pass away when our body, our wonderful engineered body that is programed to work, so efficiently. Our body itself its just so wonderful how our body works. God sure is a top grade engineer!! But, spiritually speaking, what happens?
Do we, go to heaven like Hindus and Christians around the world believe? OR we just go back to mother earth? OR, do we get to know all the answers right before we die? some sort of the big "aha" moment. Do we get that? OR we get to have a short conversation with God, that'll be fun. But, this will remain a mystery. I'll solve this when I die, I'll blog about it okay? Just kidding you know its impossible.
Speaking of death, I actually, honestly don't believe in Heaven or Hell. Want to know why? Its because I think Heaven and Hell, is just made up to keep humans in line you know? I think after we die, our body will become fertilizer, and our soul will, um, just disappear? Go back to earth. We'll probably forget who we were right after the "aha" moment. Confused yet? Anyways, you know near death experiences? I would really like to have one. It has been said that people who experience near death experiences see their life flash before they are about to die, but did not.
And, some even say they had a conversation with God, whether to stay or go. You know, live or die? But, yeah, its funny how the world works. Its the circle of life. Life and death. But, before we die, we got to....
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