An urban legend, urban myth, urban tale, or contemporary legend, is a form of modern folklore consisting of stories usually believed by their tellers to be true. As with all folklore and mythology, the designation suggests nothing about the story's truth or falsehood, but merely that it is in circulation, exhibits variation over time.

1. A couple was driving along a dark road in the middle of the nigh. The car broke down and after much tinkering, the guy decided to go and ask for help. He told his girlfriend to lock the doors and windows and not to go out while he was gone. And so, he left. Because the guy was taking too long to return the girl fell asleep, only to be startled by a squalid old man in tattered clothes knocking at the window. Scared for her safety she tried to shoo the man away but to no avail. The old man became more aggressive which caused the girl to scream. She blew the horns madly thinking somebody would hear and help her. The old man went away but came back several minutes after. He knocked at the door and showed the girl the bodiless head of her boyfriend. When she started screaming again, the old man showed the girl the car keys.
2. They were roommates. The other one was getting ready for a party while the other was getting ready to sleep. So the former closed the lights as he went out of the room. When he reached the parking area, he realized that he forgot his keys so he went back to get it. He didn't bother to open the lights anymore since he knows where it is and he does not want to disturb his sleeping roommate. After the party, while he was driving back to his dorm, he noticed that there was an ambulance following him and some police cars too. As soon as he entered the grounds of Ateneo, the ambulance was still tailing him. When he reached his dorm, there was a crowd surrounding his room. His roommate was murdered, his body dismembered and on the mirror was a note in blood "thank you for not opening the lights".
3. Four female friends went on a joyride to Batangas one weekend. That late evening, in one lonely stretch of road, they decided to have some photo-souvenirs of their spontaneous foray. So, they went off their car, and took pictures of themselves three at a time (the fourth was behind the camera). Something entered their minds and began to play hide-and-seek. After their game, one of their friends did not return. They searched for her to no avail. She was never found. A few weeks after the sad incident, the film they had in their camera was developed. The owner of the camera took a look at the developed pictures and started screaming. In one of the pictures, among her three friends, was an old lady with her arm slung across the shoulder of their missing friend.
4. In UP Diliman, a student decided to take an early morning drive with his Volkswagen of a car around campus. Later that day, his body was found a few feet from his car that had run out of gas and had thousands of kilometers added to the odometer. The student was said to have starved to death. People said that the student was made fun of spirits in the campus and he ended up wandering around and around, without ever finding his way back. The catch: today, if you happen to wander around that particular campus around daybreak, you may encounter the little red Volkswagen car with a desperate student driver who'll ask you for directions back to the dorm. Never ever give him directions or you'll end up just like him.
5. A student attending an all-girls school in Manila under the administration of nuns stayed late in school to research about a project she was supposed to pass that week. As she was about to leave, she noticed while walking along, the corridor a classroom with lights still on. Out of curiosity, she headed to that room and went inside. Before she was able to enter the room she heard a screeching sound of chalk forcefully sliding through the face of the blackboard. When she went in she found a nun writing on the blackboard "HELP ME, I'M IN HELL." Before she could even think of screaming, the nun turned to her... faceless.
6. Two reporters were invited to a party in a house somewhere in new manila. They went there and partied the whole night. They met "people" that were supposedly members of prominent families who were willing to pay a big sum of money if they agreed to publicize their business. So they gave the reporters their contact numbers before the two headed home. The next day, they reporters tried to contact the businessmen but they failed to get answers. Every number given to them was owned by somebody else. Being reporters and having connections, they researched about the businessmen and their businesses. Shocked they later found out that all the people in the party were dead for a very long time.
7. A group of medical students from a reputable University decided to play a harmless prank on their easily-frightened classmate. They planned a special study session to be held in the cadaver room with their intended victim. When the girl arrived for the session and found no one in the cadaver room, she thought she was too early and decided to read her notes. The rest of her group mates were actually hiding and they switched the lights off. The girl screamed and screamed for minutes banging on the door locked by her classmates. After some time, the screaming and the banging stopped. The pranksters began to wonder what happened and decided to go in the room. Upon turning the lights on, they were shocked to see their hapless classmate gnawing on a piece of the cadaver.
8.In a classroom, all students were asked to share their most memorable place. After all were done, one silent pale girl stood up and said: “My most memorable place is this classroom, were I killed myself.”
9.One day, this guy went on their college batch reunion. On his way to the function hall he saw his ex-girlfriend… she smiled at him and said… “How are you?! It’s been 10 years seen we’ve last seen each other! You look great! I missed you.” Then she hugged him very tight and ran away without any last words… he didn’t even get a chance to talk because he was very surprised. Then, a few minutes after the incident… he asked his old friends about his ex-girlfriend “How is she?” Upon hearing his question… all of his friends were shocked and one of them said… “Dude, she committed suicide a year after you left her. She’s already been dead for 9 years.”
- Dark Shadow!
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